Understanding the opportunities and challenges that come with different new and emerging clean energy technologies is central for improved energy and environmental policy making first issued in 2006, energy technology perspectives etp has for more than a decade contributed to global energy and environmental policymaking. The report shows how policy, technology and market conditions can move development in different directions, both desired and undesired. Political agendas and social expectations are changing. Track 6 policies, finance and regulatory frameworks. Energy perspectives 2017 longterm macro and market outlook berlin, 12 june 2017. Mobilising innovation to accelerate climate action david elzinga, economic affairs officer former senior energy analyst and lead author of etp geneva may 27, 2015. Ten emerging trends in 2017 around the world, uncertainty is rife. Energy perspectives 2017 longterm macro and market outlook usa, june 2017 eirik w. Global, regional and national institutions are weakening. More people are connecting to the grid as living standards improve around the world. Energy technology perspectives 2017 webinar catalysing. Pushing energy technology to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 could meet the midpoint of the range of ambitions expressed in paris. Energy technology perspectives etp is the international energy agencys most ambitious publication on energy technology.
Precision farming as a farm technology benefits from largescale advantages due to relatively high investment costs and is primarily adopted on farms with medium to large field areas. The report offers a detailed scenariobased analysis of how the nordic countries can achieve a near carbonneutral energy system. Dec 21, 2017 nordic energy technology perspectives skytte, klaus publication date. Foresight a global infrastructure perspective trends that will change the world of infrastructure. Ppps, venture capital, corporate debt, equity investors public support. First, increased tensions between developing and developed countries could develop over the transfer of technology. Energy technology perspectives 2017, international energy agency, 2017. The potential of clean energy technology remains underutilised recent progress in some clean energy areas is promising, but many technologies still need a strong push to achieve their full potential and deliver a sustainable energy future. Energy technology perspectives 2017 posted 2017 0608 in news the energy technology perspectives 2017 has been released this week. In a world in which renewables are the dominant source of energy, capital for investment and technology may increasingly become sources of international cooperation or rivalry. Scenarios for industry decarbonisation epri and iea workshop renewables and clean energy for industries 29 november 2016, washington, dc eric masanet, phd energy technology policy division international energy agency. This 2010 edition of energy technology perspectives examines the. Energy perspectives is published each year by a team of analysts at equinor. Starting from the premise that electricity will be an increasingly important vector in energy systems of the future, energy technology perspectives 2014 etp 2014 takes a deep dive into actions needed to support deployment of sustainable options for generation, distribution and enduse consumption.
Demand for consumer appliances and electronic devices is rising. Trend of next generationzero emission vehicle and policy. The global status report 2017 was prepared by thibaut abergel, brian dean and john dulac of the international energy agency iea for the global alliance for buildings and construction gabc. Due to the uniform dispersion of active units, the resulting freestanding composite electrode exhibits a high specific capacity at 10c and a long cycling life. This years edition of the international energy agency ieas comprehensive publication on energy technology focuses on the opportunities and challenges of scaling and accelerating the deployment of clean energy technologies. Iea, energy technology perspectives 2017 3 over 100 scenarios from the ipcc ar5 scenario database we know that renewables will play an increasingly significant role in power generation. Catalyst for change oil and gas climate initiative. Understanding the opportunities and challenges that come with different new and emerging clean energy technologies is central for improved energy and environmental policy making. Nordic energy technology perspectives 2016 nordic energy. Energy technology perspectives 2017 etp 2017 highlights how energy innovation, i. The schneider electric team keeps their eyes on the future of energy management and corporate sustainability. Energy technology perspectives 2017 catalysing energy technology transformations keisuke sadamori, director the canon institute for global studies, tokyo, 20 july 2017. Please note that despite our best efforts to ensure quality control, errors have slipped into. This webinar will feature iea analysis focusing on the role of demand side sectors and bioenergy in deep decarbonisation scenarios.
Energy technology perspectives 2017 innovation for cool earth. Explore the hottest topics and trends, and the breadth of solutions our team can provide to get your company to its energy and sustainability destination. Forum annual meeting 2017 in davosklosters, switzerland, in a highlevel roundtable that included policymakers, technology innovators and pioneers, automakers and representatives from industry utilities, renewable developers and equipment manufacturers. Energy technology perspectives programme 45 th executive committee meeting iea demand side management programme.
History iea, projections statoil ep17, iea weo16, eia aeo16, ihs energy wide perspectives 2017, xom 2017 outlook for energy, bp eo17, enerdata 2017 understanding our energy future this presentation, including the contents and arrangement of the contents of each individual page or the collection of the pages, are owned by statoil. Pushing energy technology to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. World economic forum the future of electricity new. Estimated renewable energy share of global electricity, end2015 figure 1. Supporting energy efficiency progress in major economies. The potential of clean energy technology remains underutilised recent progress in some clean energy areas is promising, but many technologies still need a strong. First issued in 2006, energy technology perspectives etp has for more than a decade contributed to global energy and environmental policymaking. Energy technology perspectives 2017 the global energy system is moving closer to a historic transformation. The international energy agency iea has called for nuclear energy to receive clear and consistent policy support for existing and new capacity, including clean energy incentive schemes for development of nuclear alongside other clean forms of energy. Support global collaboration on energy technology to secure future energy supplies. Energy technology perspectives international energy agency. Lighting equipment performance and residential led sales share to 2060 source. Energy technology perspectives etp is a publication on energy technology published by the international energy agencys iea.
The webinar will start with the global outlook presentation that. It demonstrates how technologies can help achieve the objective of limiting the global temperature rise to 2c and enhancing energy security. Coreshell nanoparticles are fabricated based on a redox polymer core and a porous sio 2 shell and embedded homogeneously into carbon nanotubes conductive networks. This years edition of the international energy agency ieas comprehensive publication on energy technology focuses on the opportunities and challenges of. For the first time, etp 2017 looks at how far clean energy technologies could move the energy sector towards higher climate change ambitions if technological. Energy perspectives longterm macro and market outlook. Energy technology perspectives 2017 catalysing energy technology transformations dave turk, acting director, directorate of sustainability, technology and outlooks, iea innovation for cool earth forum icef side event. Iea energy efficiency 2018 and world energy outlook 2018.
A clean planet for all a european longterm strategic vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy, european commission, 2018, november iea. Elzinga senior energy technology analyst, international. Executive summarychapter 34 of perspectives for the energy transition. All this makes solar energy technologies one of the best developments and research options. The report was coordinated by united nations environment programme and. Nordic energy technology perspectives soundvisual production digital. My old and once dead car batteries, cell phone battery, drill battery, camera battery and tons of other batteries are all reconditioned and working great again. Energy security, air quality, climate change and economic competitiveness are increasingly being factored in by decision makers.
For the first time, etp 2017 looks at how far clean energy technologies could move the energy sector towards higher climate change ambitions if technological innovations were pushed to their maximum practical limits. Policies, markets, and technology having varying impact world co 2 emissions billion tons emissions 0 10 20 30 40 50 ref ren riv. Agriculture and food development economics education employment energy environment finance and investment governance industry and services nuclear energy science and technology social issuesmigrationhealth taxation trade transport urban, rural and regional development. Energy technology perspectives 2017 catalysing energy technology transformations jeanfrancois gagne, head, energy technology policy division, iea. Each chapter has been put together so that it can be read individually should the reader wish to focus on one particular topic. Explore analysis, reports, news and events about energy technology perspectives. Org february 2020 page 1 of 9 onshore wind turbines references american wind energy association. As this happens, electrification will become more important in reducing emissions in other industries too. Iea energy technology perspectives 2017 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 w. Energy system optimisation and smart technologies 2 executive summary the challenge systems perspectives on energy involve a holistic view on balancing demand and supply. Chapter 2 of perspectives for the energy transition investment needs for a lowcarbon energy system oecdiea 2017.
The impacts of energy efficiency are already significant energy efficiency improvements since 2000 prevented 12% more energy use and emissions in 2017 global final energy use and emissions with and without energy efficiency improvements, 200017 100 120 140 160 180 200 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2017 energy use 100 120 140 160 200. Jul 17, 2017 this webinar will feature iea analysis focusing on the role of demand side sectors and bioenergy in deep decarbonisation scenarios. Published every two years, this report from the international energy agency examines the extent to which an energy technology revolution is taking place, the key technologies that are emerging, the costs and benefits of these technologies, and policies needed to foster their use. Policies, markets, and technology having varying impact world co 2 emissions. It demonstrates how technologies from electric vehicles to smart. Jrc report on co2tofuel 2017 c o p y r i g h t o f s h e l l c h e m i c a l p t l s y n t h e s i s p a t h w a y s abanades et. For the first time, etp 2017 looks at how far clean energy technologies could move the energy sector towards higher climate change ambitions if. Aug 23, 2017 the soltech network covers all fields of research on solar energy use, i. Cover image by christoph hohmann, nanosystems initiative munich nim. Energy technology perspectives 2017 catalysing energy technology transformations dave turk, acting director, directorate of sustainability, technology and outlooks. A sustainable development path, consistent with the 2degree target, does not allow for further delays in policy, industry and consumer action to reduce emissions.
Realizing the same cost as gasoline and lng current. You have access to read the content online, if option available. Energy technology perspectives 2017 etp 2017 details these trends as well as the technological advances that will shape energy security and environmental sustainability for decades to come. Renewable energy share of electricity consumption 5. Daniele poponi, etp project manager energy technology and policy division. Iea analysis shows that global co2 emissions remained flat in 2016 for the third year in a row, even though the global economy grew, led by. Future buildings forum 2017 energy technology perspectives. Launch seminar for ieas energy technology perspectives 2015, copenhagen, denmark, 01062015. World energy outlook 2012 potential based on efficiency scenarios to 2035. Harnessing electricitys potential transcript of a webinar offered by the clean energy solutions center on 12 may 2014 for more information, see the. The global energy system is moving closer to a historic transformation. In this 8th edition of energy perspectives, we intend to paint a holistic, aggregated picture of global energy markets towards 2050, analysing relevant energy sources, sectors and regions across three distinct scenarios. Rapid energy efficiency deployment minimum energy performance standards labelling and awareness programmes financing and market incentives support for market scale e. Energy efficiency energy efficiency measures also have the potential to save trillions of dollars across the global economy.
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